郭相奇.探索·热爱·分享 ——试论公众参与博物馆的新模式[J].科普研究,2019,14(4):76~81
探索·热爱·分享 ——试论公众参与博物馆的新模式
To Explore, Love and Share:A New Model of Public Participation inMuseum
中文关键词: 公众参与 博物馆 探索·热爱·分享
英文关键词: public engagement  museum  explore,love and share
郭相奇 云南省博物馆 
摘要点击次数: 883
全文下载次数: 572
      “ 以人为本”是现代博物馆的主题,博物馆的公众参与是实现“以人为本”的必要条件。虽然多种体 验式的公众参与形式拉近了博物馆和公众之间的距离,但其难以打开公众对某一方向兴趣的大门,也难以持 续有效地提升公众和博物馆之间的关系。在云南省博物馆“化石猎人营地”活动的实践中,尝试提出一种公 众参与博物馆的新模式——“探索·热爱·分享”。博物馆和公众应是一种平等的关系,在公众参与的过程中, 博物馆起到一种“平台式”的作用,协助公众发现和发展自身兴趣,培养优秀的人才成为“博物馆的一员”, 公众在博物馆展示自己,博物馆和公众间实现一种“双赢”,使公众能够从真正意义上融入博物馆。
      Public Engagement is a key element to realize people-oriented,the central philosophy of modern museum. Multiple forms of public engagement narrowed the gap between the museum and the public. However,these forms usually fails to raise the public’s generate interest in certain area and cannot continuly improve the relationship between the public and the museum. Fossil Hunters,a public activity conducted by Yunnan Provincial Museum worked as a sample in this paper in order to discuss a new model of public engagement in museum,that is,to explore,love and share. The relationship between the museum and the public should be equal. The museum,as a platform,helps the public find and develop their interests in the process of engagement. In this process,some brilliant people could become a member of the museumand shows themselves on this platform. The museum and public developed a win-win model. In this way,the public could become a truepart of the museum.
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