Several Milestones in the History of Science Popularization in New China
中文关键词: 新中国 科普 里程碑
英文关键词: New China  science popularization  milestone
崔建平 中国科协调研宣传部 
摘要点击次数: 50543
全文下载次数: 523
      介绍了新中国科普发展史上的 7 个里程碑式的事件:《共同纲领》提出普及科学知识;中国科协成立并 成为科普工作的主力军;全国科学大会提出大力做好科学普及工作;党中央下发《关于加强科学技术普及工作 的若干意见》,成为科普工作纲领性文件;全国人大颁布实施《科普法》,科普工作步入法制化、制度化轨道; 国务院颁布实施《科学素质纲要》,提高公民科学素质目标更加明确;“科技三会”上习近平强调科学普及与科 技创新同等重要。这些事件深刻影响和促进了科普事业的发展,对中国科普事业的发展具有重要意义。
      This paper introduces seven milestones in the history of science popularization of the People’s Republic of China:The Common Program raised the idea of popularizing science;China Association for Science and Technology was established and became the main force for popularizing science; National Science Congress proposed to make more efforts on science popularization;The CPC Central Committee issued Several Opinions on Strengthening the Popularization of Science and Technology that became a programmatic document for the popularization of science;The National People’s Congress promulgated and implemented the Law of Science Popularization that helps to legalize and institutionalize the work; Outline of the National Scheme for Scientific Literacy was introduced and implemented by the State Council with a clear aim to improve Chinese Civic scientific literacy;President Xi emphasized that the science popularization is as important as science and technology innovation on“Three Congress” (namely,the combined congresses of National Science and Technology Congress,Conference of Academicians and 9th National Congress of CAST). These events have greatly influenced the direction of science popularization and promoted its development.
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