余 恒,齐 琪,赵 洋,王洪鹏.中国天文科普图书回顾1840—1949 年[J].科普研究,2019,14(6):104~111
中国天文科普图书回顾1840—1949 年
An Overview of Chinese Astronomical Science Popularization Booksbetween 1840 and 1949
中文关键词: 天文学 科普图书 出版史 辛亥革命
英文关键词: Astronomy  science popularization book  publishing history  Revolution of 1911
余 恒 北京师范大学 
齐 琪 北京师范大学 
赵 洋 中国科学技术馆 
王洪鹏 中国科学技术馆 
摘要点击次数: 1179
全文下载次数: 1146
      本文系统回顾了中国1840 — 1949 年间天文学领域科普图书的出版背景和历史条件,并以此探讨它 们对于现代天文学知识传播的意义和价值。我们以1911 年辛亥革命为节点将这段历史分为两个时期。1840 — 1949 年是天文科普图书刊行的萌芽时期。传教士和中国启蒙知识分子承担了最早的天文科普图书编译出版工 作,国民第一次接触到现代天文学知识。民国时期,胸怀救国理想的归国留学生将科学教育作为国家建设和 文化改造的重要部分。虽然这些作品由于局势动荡没能起到应有的效果,但仍为后来的天文科普工作提供了 宝贵的人才和经验参考。
      This paper systematically reviewed the historical environments and publishing background of astronomical science popularization books in China from 1840 to 1949,and discussed their significance for the dissemination of modern astronomical knowledge. The authors divided this period into two stages with the the Revolution of 1911 as a node. The 1840—1949 period in the late Qing Dynasty was the beginning period of the astronomical science book publishing. The missionaries and Chinese enlightened intellectuals undertook the earliest compilation and publication of astronomical science books. For the first time the nationals came into contact with modern astronomical knowledge. During the Republic of China,returning international students who wished to save the country regarded science education as an important part of national construction and modernization. Although these works did not have the effect they deserved due to the society turmoil. However,it still provided valuable experiences for the later astronomical science popularization writing.
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