朱家华,周煜琳,宋 娟.非正规教育中的青少年科技人才培养: 现状、问题、对策[J].科普研究,2020,15(6):21~27
非正规教育中的青少年科技人才培养: 现状、问题、对策
Cultivation of Young Scientific and Technological Talents in InformalEducation:Status Quo,Issues and Countermeasures
中文关键词: 科学兴趣 青少年 科学兴趣培养
英文关键词: young scientific and technological talents  informal education  science education  science and technology museum
朱家华 临沂大学生命科学学院 
周煜琳 临沂大学生命科学学院 
宋 娟 临沂大学生命科学学院 
摘要点击次数: 985
全文下载次数: 559
      面对新时代的机遇和挑战,人才资源成为国家科技进步和发展的关键资源。青少年科技人才的培养 直接关乎国家科技事业的未来。作为青少年科技人才培养的重要环节,非正规教育的开展具有现实性、紧迫 性和必要性。研究立足国际视野,回顾了非正规教育中的青少年科技人才培养现状,反思了非正规教育中青 少年科技人才培养存在的问题,提出了非正规教育中青少年科技人才培养的对策。研究认为,应通过提高政 策支持力度、促进正规教育与非正规教育的连接、开展STEAM 教育,提高青少年科技人才培养的质量。
      Facing the opportunities and challenges of the new era,human resources have become a key resource for national scientific and technological progress and development. The cultivation of young scientific and technological talents directly affects the future of national scientific and technological enterprise. As an important aspect of the cultivation of young scientific and technological talents, the development of informal education is realistic,urgent and necessary. Based on an international perspective,this article reviews the current situation of the cultivation of young scientific and technological talents in informal education,reflects on several issues concerned and puts forward countermeasures in this regard. We argue that the quality of young science and technology talent cultivation should be improved by increasing policies support,promoting the connection between formal education and informal education,and developing STEAM education.
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