翟俊卿,钦夏昱.印度非政府组织在环境教育中的 角色与策略研究[J].科普研究,2020,15(6):67~74
印度非政府组织在环境教育中的 角色与策略研究
Roles and Strategies of Non-Governmental Organizationsin Environmental Education in India
中文关键词: 非政府组织 环境教育 可持续发展 环境科普 印度
英文关键词: NGO  environmental education  sustainable development  environmental science popularization  India
翟俊卿 浙江大学教育学院 
钦夏昱 浙江大学教育学院 
摘要点击次数: 911
全文下载次数: 562
      印度作为全世界重要的新兴经济体之一,其经济增长速度位居世界前列。但是殖民地时期以来的 环境问题一直桎梏着该国的可持续发展。在此背景下,与政府有着良好合作关系的非政府组织很早便开始 为公众提供环境教育,并扮演着重要的角色。印度非政府组织的环境教育实践经历了早期探索、快速发展 和面向可持续性三个发展阶段。在开展环境教育的策略方面,印度非政府组织针对不同的群体,依托多样 的项目,采用不同的环境教育方法,体现了鲜明特点,即依托自然,在实践中培养环境意识;因地制宜, 因人制宜,设置环境教育内容;与政府密切合作,共同促进环境教育。
      India,as an important emerging economy in the world,develops fast. However, environmental problems have been shackling the sustainable development of the country since the colonial period. In this context,with good cooperation with the government,Indian Non-Governmental Organizations(NGO)began early to carry out environmental education for the public and played an important role in the process. Indian NGO’s practice of environmental education has gone through three stages: early exploration,rapid development and sustainable development. For the strategies of environmental education,Indian NGOs adopt different methods of environmental education for different groups,relying on various projects,which reflects its distinct characteristics of environmental education: practicing in nature to cultivate environmental awareness; setting up environmental education content according to local conditions and individual conditions; working closely with the government to promote environmental education.
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