What’s New in Outline of the National Scheme for Scientific Literacy(2021—2035)
中文关键词: 科学素质 科学普及 《科学素质纲要(2021—2035 年) 》
英文关键词: scientific literacy  science popularization  Outline of the National Scheme for Scientific Literacy (2021–2035)
张增一 中国科学院大学人文学院 
摘要点击次数: 542
全文下载次数: 267
      《 科学素质纲要(2021—2035 年)》在继承过去15 年科学素质建设经验的基础上,围绕新时期公 民科学素质建设的理念、目标、任务、措施和政策等方面提出了许多新构想和新解决方案,在定位上赋予 科学素质建设更宏大的使命;在顶层设计上强调政治、思想和价值引领;在提升行动上对象人群更具体、 任务更明确、措施更精准;在工程建设上强调牢固根基、与时俱进、服务大局;在保障条件上聚焦完善管 理机制、评价标准和注重实效。
      Recently, Outline of the National Scheme for Scientific Literacy (2021–2035) has been issued. By analyzing the text of Outline of the National Scheme for Scientific Literacy (2021–2035), this paper finds out many new insights and solutions in the basic principles, goals, tasks, measures and policies regarding promoting public scientific literacy in China, while inheriting a lot from its predecessor and practical experiences in the past 15 years. It is stipulated that promoting public scientific literacy should take on a grand mission for the national economic and social development as well as global governance; it emphasizes the leadership for spirit and value at its top level design; it is more group-specific, has clearer tasks, and more precise measures in its promoting actions; it strengthens the foundation to transform scientific resources into popular scientific resources, and pays equal attention to normal and risk science communication in the infrastructure for public scientific literacy; it focuses on improvement of management mechanism, evaluation criteria and effectiveness.
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