任 磊,何 薇,高宏斌,张 超.新时代公民科学素质发展目标的 制定研究[J].科普研究,2021,16(4):44~51,57
新时代公民科学素质发展目标的 制定研究
On the Establishment of the Development Goals of Chinese PublicScientific Literacy in the New Era
中文关键词: 科学素质 发展目标 《科学素质纲要(2021—2035 年)》
英文关键词: public scientific literacy  development goals  Outline of the National Scheme for Scientific Literacy (2021–2035)
任 磊 中国科普研究所 
何 薇 中国科普研究所 
高宏斌 中国科普研究所 
张 超 中国科普研究所 
摘要点击次数: 616
全文下载次数: 434
      《 科学素质纲要(2021—2035 年)》提出2025 年和2035 年我国公民科学素质的发展目标,本文从 我国公民科学素质发展状况和结构特征、新时代面临的主要形势和发展要求、国内外公民科学素质的发展 情况和主要趋势、制定公民科学素质发展目标的主要依据等方面展开解读和分析,并阐述了实现公民科学 素质发展目标对于加快建成世界科技强国、实现人的全面发展、服务国家治理体系和治理能力现代化、服 务构建人类命运共同体的重要意义。
      Outline of the National Scheme for Scientific Literacy (2021–2035) puts forward the goals of Chinese public scientific literacy in 2025 and 2035. This paper interprets and analyzes in aspects as the development status and structural characteristics of Chinese public scientific literacy, the main situation and requirements in the new era, the domestic and global trend of public scientific literacy development, and the main foundation of the establishment of public scientific literacy goals. This paper further states the significance of these goals for accelerating the construction of a global science and technology power, realizing people's all-round development, serving the modernization of national governance system and governance ability, and serving the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.
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