Challenges and Countermeasures of Improving the Scientific Literacyof Industrial Workers
中文关键词: 科学素质 产业工人 职业教育 制造强国 创新能力 《科学素质纲要(2021—2035 年)》
英文关键词: scientific literacy  industrial workers  vocational education  manufacturing power  innovation ability  Outline of the National Scheme for Scientific Literacy (2021–2035)
胡俊平 中国科普研究所 
摘要点击次数: 569
全文下载次数: 389
      我国产业分工的发展变化导致新时代产业工人概念范畴与传统意义存在差异。党和政府高度关切 劳动者素质提升,新一轮科技革命和产业变革对产业工人科学素质提出了新要求。针对产业工人素质提升 中存在的突出问题,2021 年发布的《科学素质纲要(2021—2035 年)》确立了目标任务及相应举措,重点 加强对产业工人的价值引领和技能素质培养,采取多项措施促进职业技能和创新能力提升,以服务人的全 面发展,满足制造强国、质量强国和现代化经济体系建设的需要。
      The development of China’s industrial division leads to the difference between the concept of industrial workers in the new era and the traditional meaning. The CPC and the government have high concern about the improvement of the quality of workers. The new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform put forward new requirements for the scientific literacy of industrial workers. In view of the significant problems existing in the improvement of industrial workers' quality, the objectives, tasks and corresponding measures have been established in the new action. It is focused on strengthening value guidance skill quality cultivation, and taking a number of measures to promote the improvement of vocational skills and innovation ability, so as to serve the needs of people's all-round development and the construction of a powerful country in respect of manufacture and quality and modern economic system.
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