Research on Restrictive Factors of Science Popularization in CountyBased on Grounded Theory-ISM
中文关键词: 县域科普 扎根理论 ISM 模型
英文关键词: science popularization in county  grounded theory  ISM model
程艳霞 武汉理工大学管理学院 
王紫穗 武汉华夏理工学院商学院 
王虎 武汉理工大学管理学院 
朱洪启 中国科普研究所 
摘要点击次数: 469
全文下载次数: 370
      县域科普的工作成效直接决定县域范围内的公民科学素质水平。基于在全国范围内开展的访谈调研和网络爬虫获取的资料,运用扎根理论从宏观、中观和微观三个维度提炼出11 个制约县域科普工作成效的因素。在此基础上,构建ISM 模型对各制约因素之间的逻辑关系和层次结构进行分析。研究结果表明,外部环境和体制机制是制约县域科普工作成效的根源性因素。其中,政策环境和人口环境是最深层次的因素;科普人员、科普场地、科普渠道是最直接的制约因素,且受到组织建设和科普经费的影响。根据研究结论,提出提高县域科普工作成效的相关建议。
      The effectiveness of science popularization in county directly determines the level of public scientific literacy within its scope. Based on interviews and surveys conducted nationwide and data obtained by web crawlers, this paper uses grounded theory to extract 11 factors that restrict the effectiveness of science popularization in county from three dimensions: macro, meso, and micro. On this basis, the ISM model is constructed to analyze the logical relationship and hierarchical structure among the various factors. The research results show that the external environment and institutional mechanisms are the root factors that restrict the effectiveness of science popularization work in counties. Among them, the policy environment and population environment are the deepest factors; personnel, venue, and channels of science popularization are the most direct factors which influenced by organization building and funding of science popularization. Based on the research conclusions, relevant suggestions to improve the effectiveness of science popularization in county are put forward.
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