朱文瑜,刘兵.大气颗粒物PM2.5 中美报纸环境新闻比较[J].科普研究,2015,10(2):12~20
大气颗粒物PM2.5 中美报纸环境新闻比较
A Comparative Study of the Environmental Reports about Fine Particulate Matter(PM2.5) between Newspapers in China and USA
中文关键词: PM2.5,环境新闻,中美比较
英文关键词: PM2.5  environmental journalism  China and US comparing
朱文瑜 清华大学社科学院科技与社会研究所 
刘兵 清华大学社科学院科技与社会研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2595
全文下载次数: 1672
      本文主要从宏观上对比中美两国主要报纸上有关PM2.5 的新闻,并以《人民日报》和《纽约时报》为例, 比较两报历年来PM2.5 新闻在报道数量、报道内容、报道体裁、新闻来源的异同,来反映中国环境新闻的现状和 不足,总结美国环境新闻报道的经验,以资我们借鉴。发现两国关于PM2.5 新闻有着不同的报道模式、不同的报 道领域侧重、不同的重点报道体裁和不同的主要新闻来源。认为中国环境新闻存在着科技新闻的成色不足、新闻 来源途径单一、深度调查力度不够、环境伦理解读不深等问题。
      We compared the media reporting on the PM2.5 by the major newspapers in China and the USA. In particular,we examined the differences in the total numbers,contents,genres,and sources of the reports on the PM2.5 in the People’s Daily of China and the New York Times of the USA. Our goals here are to better understand the current status of the reporting on the environmental issues in China and to draw lessons from the USA. We found that the reporting in the two countries differs in the coverage patterns, focuses,formats,styles,and sources of news and concluded that there are fewer scientific facts and knowledge,limited sources of news,less investigational reporting,and a lack of informed environmental ethics in the reporting in China.
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